Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Legal statement: Any additional information or clarification about this site’s disclaimer should be directed to the site administrators through bagtrvl(at)gmail. com.
Everything on this website – bagtrvl. com – is released with the intention of providing factual and up-to-date information to a general audience only. It is noteworthy that all the material posted is aimed at educating the users on various travel-related topics. However, bagtrvl does not warrant the accuracy and completeness of this information and content.
This website provides information that is as up-to-date and accurate as possible but sometimes information may be old or even incorrect. Any action that you take on the information that is contained in this website (bagtrvl) is done so at your own risk. bagtrvl shall not be held responsible for any loss and/or damage arising from the use of this website. This covers the direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, and consequential damages among others.
While using parts of this website, you may be led to other websites through links to such other sites like “Google“. As we try to link to only other websites of good quality. Ethical stand and useful information, it is impossible to warrant that all the sites that link to us are likewise good and ethical.
While these links are provided to websites outside of this site. It is not a recommendation of all the content on these websites. External sites may change their content at any time. And it might happen that by the time we remove a link which has become ‘dead’ we have not had the chance to do so.
Some important links may lead to resources outside of this website and it is important for the user to note that the content, policies, and practices of these other sites may be different. You are therefore encouraged to go through these policies and terms with the view of having a clear understanding of them with a view of ascertaining whether they meet your expectations or not.
Terms of service: We also wish to inform you that for every link you click when you are not on our website, the privacy policy and the terms of that website may differ from ours. It is recommended to read Bagtravl’s Privacy Policies and “Terms and Condition” as well within any website before starting the cooperation and sharing sensitive data with any company.
This is for Data privacy statement purposes so that one does not fall prey to malicious use of their data. We are not responsible for, the content, availability or security of third parties, including but not limited to, websites, advertising or products and services offered by third parties. Please visit our “Privacy Policy” and “Terms and Condition” pages for more information.
Continued use of this website signifies your understanding and acceptance of the said Information disclaimer. All rights are reserved. This consent also implies recognition of the fact that the information provided by our Company is often of a general nature, and you take all the risks of using the information placed on the website.
Furthermore, by entering and using this website, you release bagtrvl from any responsibility for all the consequences that may occur as a result of using the website or any linked external site.
Don’t forget to read our “Information disclaimer“.